The sensor ’s location can be changed at any time for ultimate comfort and convenience. Along with detecting motion the device measures the temperature and light intensity. The sensor has a built-in accelerometer to detect any tampering of the device.

The LED indicator signals motion , temperature level. Built-in accelerometer detects tampering with the accessory. Leak detection has never been so easy. Simple combination of design and technology that has resulted in a powerful smart device.
You have to register in order to view all content and post in our community. The true smart home experience comes with brilliant simplicity of HomeKit. The device also detects changes in its own position and tamper attempts. Its sensitivity can be adjusted to suit the needs of the residents.
Wireless home automation at its best. Set up a perfect scene in your smart home to increase comfort and safety. It functions as a motion sensor , temperature sensor , light sensor and a vibration (accelerometer) sensor , thanks to its built-in accelerometer.
I’v done everything by the support page (Link Here) But it didn’t do the trick… #128532; I wanted to do the “General Device Exclusion” process shown in the support page, but it seems it was written for the old app because I don’t see the “Z-Wave Utilities”. This version only tested on v3. So far I only tested on the following parameters, but it should work with the rest. Tamper - sensitivity.

Range from 1-12 default = 20… 42. I have one setup but it is false triggering worse than my old Aeon Multisensor. I’ve tried changing the parameter settings to make is less sensitive to no avail (either still too sensitive, or so insensitive that it can’t even see someone feet away). If you’re using it outdoors successfully, would love to know what your parameter. Overclockers i Lule åKontakta oss.
FIBARO MOTION SENSOR FGMS-0V2. Kundkorgen Summa: kr. Just under inch diameter, featuring an immaculate, sleek, and modern white casing, you’ll fall in love with this motion sensor at first sight. Topics and issues only about Motion Sensor , its features, qualities, and configuration. Fibaro please fix this issue!
Setting parameters can be a little complex in HS3. Wake up your sensor then go to the Z-Wave tab and expand the settings as in your screen shot. The sensor will still report motion alerts, changes in LUX, temp and vibration to Vera. The LUX value you set in Parameter tells it what should be night.
Moreover, the module allows for wireless communication between the system and the DS18Btemperature sensors. The accelerometer detects change in location or any attempt at opening its casing. COVID 19: There are some slight shipping delays, but our warehouse is fully operational with strict government distancing guidelines in place. However - combine it with other smart equipment and it can be one of the most important. VD Motion Sensor checker.

Created By mysmarthome-cba-pl. The Motion Sensor can be used for lighting scenes and presence monitoring systems.
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