úterý 4. prosince 2018

Grundfos sololift2 wc1

Grundfos sololift2 wc1

Shop Anchor Pumps Online Now! Suitable for pumping wastewater with feces from private dwellings. The range consists of compact macerator variants for disposal of domestic wastewater. WC- WC-and CWC- are designed to take wastewater from a toilet and further sanitary appliances.

Highly reliable, easy and clean service. Unit is ready to use with a plug and operates automatically when water enters the tank. Replacing the pressure switch 1. Removing the cover 2. Disconnect pressure switch plug (pos. 482b) from control 1. Enote WC- WC-in CWC-so zasnovanje za odvod odpadne vode iz stranišč in drugih sanitarnih enot.

Enoti: C-in D-sta zasnovani za odvod sive vode iz več enot. The WC-is easy to install and designed to allow for quick and easy servicing. The unique modern design produces long lasting and reliable operation.

Grundfos sololift2 wc1

Perfect for an extra toilet or complete bathroom in an attic or basement. To see this page correctly please use a Javascript enabled browser or turn JavaScript on. Easy to fix with good instructions and variety of fittings. It is suitable for pumping wastewater with faeces from private dwellings. Enote WC-, WC-in CWC-so zasnovanje za odvod odpadne vode iz stranišč in drugih sanitarnih enot.

Use the site as normal if you accept this. For more detailed information, please read our full cookie policy. The WC - is easy to install and designed to allow for quick and easy servicing. Its modular design makes it ideal as a new or replacement product – offering easy installation and clean servicing in situ.

The robust grinder can handle the occasional flushed hygienic product, although their disposal is not. The units collect and pump the wastewater through a thin pressure pipe (23mm) to the next down pipe. The cutter action cuts waste material as opposed to shredding it, and is therefore, less prone to b. WC-, WC-and CWC- are designed to take wastewater from a toilet and further sanitary appliances. In order to give a personalise responsive service and to improve the site, we remember and store information about how you use the site.

SololiftWC-Water Pump pdf manual download. SOLOLIFTmá plne funkčnú tepelnú poistku elektromotora. Designed to take wastewater from a toilet and further sanitary appliances. The unit collects and pumps the wastewater through a thin.

The WC-is a compact automatic macerator unit with additional inlet connections suitable for pumping domestic wastewater from a shower, bidet, washbasin and toilet with a horizontal outlet. CWC-is the extra slim variant, designed to be integrated in front-wall installation. Compact lifting stations have suffered a bad reputation, but the new generation is here!

Secțiunile 1-oferă informațiile necesare dezambalării, instalării și punerii în funcțiune a produsului în condiţii de siguranţă. Secțiunile 4-oferă informații importante despre produs, precum și informații privind service-ul, depanarea și dezafectarea produsului. Kapitoly 1-poskytují informace požadované kbezpečnému rozbalení, instalaci a uvedení výrobku do provozu. Kapitoly 4-poskytují informace o výrobku, servisních pracích, hledání chyb a likvidaci výrobku. CWC-to wariant bardzo wąski, przeznaczony do montażu zintegrowanego za ścianką czołową.

Grundfos sololift2 wc1

C-przeznaczone są do usuwania (gorących) ścieków z wanien, natrysków, umywalek, zlewów, pralek i zmywarek do naczyń.

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