pondělí 3. prosince 2018

Flexvent super

Flexvent super

The compact, proven design has high efficiency and guaranteed operation for heating and air conditioning. The water within the installation contains air which can form corrosion and reduce the thermal transfer. Request a single quote or more information. Quantity Add to order Check stock availability. Only show branches with stock available now.

Flexvent super

The advantage of this construction is that the clearance between the water level and venting valve is at its. When the air is eliminated the float rises and closes the valve. Most types are equipped with a shut-off valve for easy fitting and. FLEXVENT SUPER large float vent, automatic float vent for heating and cooling systems with a brass housing and lockable vent valve.

Vent valve installed horizontally to the float axis in the cap. Suitable for glycol-based antifreeze additives up to. You can order online today at great prices and collect in your local branch or have it delivered to where you need it.

Flexvent float vents are made of brass. Sealed System Air Vents. Float operate the air is collected in. Type Dimensions Connection Shut-off valve. The float valve is large enough to release any air that gets collected.

Arbejdstryk: - bar. Maximum supply temperature (peak): 1°C. Tåler medier med op til glykol.

The venting valve forms an integral part of the cap, so that it is impossible to damage the float vent mechanism from the outside. Ha az úszós légtelenítőt kicsavarják a szelephüvelyből, akkor a szelep automatikusan lezár. Normális körülmények között, a. DN FLEXVENT SUPER AVLUFT- NINGSVENTIL. Luftavskiljare för värme- och kylsystem.

Cégünk fő tevékenységi köre épületgépészeti szakkereskedelem. Feladatunknak tekintjük az építkezők, kivitelezők munkájának segítését és teljes körű anyagellátását. Zrak, ki se v njih nabira lahko povzroča korozijo in zmanjšuje prenos toplote ali hlada. Odzračevalne lončke vgradimo na mesta, ki so zbirališča zraka. For pressurisation, de-aeration and topping up in sealed heating installations and chilled water (cooling) installations.

Flexvent super

Se brochuren for fuld beskrivelse og præsentation. Flamcomat – Pump Units. The flexvent is suitable for venting of air from heating and chilled systems with additives of glycol (max ). Not suitable for steam systems and closed drinking water systems. Avantajul acestei construcții este acela că distanța dintre nivelul apei și supapa de aerisire este maximizată. Canalul de evacuare a aerului poate fi deschis sau închis cu un șurub de reglare.

UK and Worldwide delivery. Service you would expect from a trusted UK company. Membránové expanzní nádoby na topné a chladící systémy Membránové expanzní nádoby pro systémy s pitnou vodou. Přidat do košíku: Technická data Min.

Vhodné pro vodu, s volitelnou př. KIRJAUDU SISÄÄN Nähdäksesi asiakaskohtaiset hinnat Näytä korvaava tuote. Määrä pyöristetty min.

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