pátek 23. listopadu 2018

Grundfos sololift2 cwc3

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Grundfos sololift2 cwc3

An extra toilet or a complete bathroom in an attic or basement must be no longer only a wish with SOLOLIFTmacerators. The range consists of compact macerator variants for disposal of domestic wastewater. WC- WC- and CWC - , are designed to take wastewater from a toilet and further sanitary appliances.

This flap is a non-return valve and is a very important component within the correct installation of these units. If this is not correctly installe the waste leaving the unit will re-enter the SOLOLIFT which will cause the. Durch die einfache Montage eigne sie sich auch. The CWC - is suitable for pumping domestic wastewater from a cabinet shower, bidet, washbasin and a wall-hung toilet.

Grundfos sololift2 cwc3

SOLOLIFTis a unique range of compact lifting stations which collect wastewater of domestic sanitary appliances and pump the wastewater through a thin pipe to the next collecting pipe with downward slope. SOLOLIFThas been engineered according to the needs of professionals – having high reliability and easy maintenance in mind. WC- WC-and CWC-, are designed to take wastewater from a toilet and further sanitary appliances.

CWC-is the extra slim variant, designed to be integrated in front-wall installation. Its slim design allows for easy integration into the wall and makes it suitable for modern pre-wall installations. The robust grinder can handle the occasional flushed hygienic product, although their disposal is not recommended. Servicing can be carried out in situ.

Grundfos sololift2 cwc3

Compact, slim design suited for wall-hung toilets. Zahvaljujući uređaju SOLOLIFTjoš jedan toalet ili kompletna kupaonica na tavanu ili u podrumu više ne moraju biti samo san. Asortiman se sastoji od inačica kompaktnih crpnih stanica za odvod otpadnih voda iz kućanstva. Tri crpke, pod nazivom WC- WC-i CWC-, služe za odvod otpadnih voda iz zahoda i drugih sanitarnih naprava. Then disconnect the Electrical parts must only be serviced by Grundfos or water supply to all units connected.

Replacing the pressure switch 1. Removing the cover 2. Disconnect pressure switch plug (pos. 482b) from control 1. Grundfos ’ high quality requirements ensure high robustness and long and trouble-free operation. SololiftWC- page 10. SOLOLIFTvam omogoča, da imate novo stranišče ali kopalnico tudi v prizidku ali kleti.

Grundfos sololift2 cwc3

Enote WC- WC-in CWC-so zasnovanje za odvod odpadne vode iz stranišč in drugih sanitarnih enot. Enoti: C-in D-sta zasnovani za odvod sive vode iz več enot. It is the most service-friendly domestic macerator on the market. Its integrated lift-out pump unit enables fast and clean maintenance and repair.

Datorită SOLOLIFT, devine posibilă toaleta suplimentară sau baia completă în pod sau în pivniță. Gama constă din variante de stații elevatoare compacte pentru eliminarea apelor reziduale menajere. Connects to one toilet and three further sanitary appliances. The WC-is a compact automatic macerator unit with additional inlet connections suitable for pumping domestic wastewater from a shower, bidet, washbasin and toilet with a horizontal outlet. You can order online today at great prices and collect in your local branch or have it delivered to where you need it.

C-та D-спроектовані для видалення (гарячих) стічних вод з ванної, душу, умивальника, раковина, пральної та посудомийної машини. SOLOLIFTé uma gama exclusiva de estações elevatórias compactas que permite drenar todo o tipo de instalações sanitárias domésticas onde tal seja necessário, independentemente do sistema de drenagem por gravidade. Be the first to review this product.

Přečerpávací stanice SOLOLIFT- Grundfos. Dodáváme čerpadla pro otopné soustavy, systémy klimatizací, zvyšování tlaku kapalin a další. Zajišťujeme servis čerpadel.

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