úterý 26. června 2018

Laufen val 60

The extraordinary design potential of LAUFEN ’s revolutionary SaphirKeramik reveals itself in the bathroom collection Val , designed for the Swiss bathroom specialist by star designer Konstantin Grcic from Munich. Simple architectural lines, extremely narrow edges and fine surface structures make the washbasins of this collection globally unique. The Val range includes washbasins, washbasin.

Laufen Val x 42cm Tap Hole Basin8. The basin has a white finish, with central tap hole and overflow. Welches ausserordentliche gestalterische Potenzial die revolutionäre SaphirKeramik von LAUFEN in sich birgt, zeigt die neue Badkollektion Val , die der Münchner Star-Designer Konstantin Grcic für den Schweizer Badspezialisten entworfen hat. Einfache, architektonische Linien, extrem schmale Kanten und feine Oberflächenstrukturen machen die Waschtische der Kollektion weltweit einzigartig. Underscoring its reputation for innovation, LAUFEN continuously creates premium products that bring the highest level of comfort and functionality to the bathroom.

The high-quality compostion of SaphirKeramik bestows possibilities and versatility never seen before upon the base material, enabling shaping. Edge radii of 2-mm are thus. Classical elegance with a modern look.

Item(s) Sort By Show. The family company that has marked the history of design and revolutionised furnishing in the use of plastic materials for over years now. For 1years, a great commitment to make culture in the bathroom and innovation in the production of ceramic sanitaryware. It is a shared project of great innovation, which has required more than three.

Wall-hung 450mm washbasin, with central tap hole and overflow. This basin comes in a white finish. Space skříňka se zásuvkami pod umyvadlo Val cm. Our collections are continuously extended and complemented.

Laufen val 60

Find out more about our new products here. Sehen, Fühlen und Probieren: Im LAUFEN Forum können sich Architekten, Planer, Handel, Fachhandwerk und Private einen Eindruck von den LAUFEN Designbadlösungen verschaffen. RIMLESS WCs Die spülrandlosen Wand-WCs rimless spülen kraftvoll und spritzfrei und hinterlassen jederzeit hygienisch saubere Flächen.

Usually in stock, typically delivered in working days. This allayed with a vast selection of distinctive and varied ranges and products ensures an appeal to the discerning customer in many market sectors. This version of the basin comes with an overflow hole. To learn more about each option, click the portfolio name. Mimořádný designový potenciál revolučního materiálu SaphirKeramik výrobce LAUFEN se nejlépe projeví u koupelnové kolekce Val , kterou pro švýcarského specialistu na koupelny navrhl špičkový designér Konstantin Grcic z Mnichova.

Díky svým jednoduchým křivkám, extrémně tenkým okrajům a jemně strukturovanému povrchu umyvadla z této kolekce získávají celosvětové. Umivaonik Dimenzije Dužina: 6mm Dubina: 4mm Visina: 1mm Opcije 1sa rupom za mješalicu 1kg 1sa rupe za mješalicu 1kg 1bez rupe za mješalicu 1kg 1bez preljeva, sa rupom za mješalicu 1kg 1bez preljeva, bez rupe za mješalicu 1kg 1sa rupe za mješalicu, bez preljeva 1kg Boje i materijali 0Bijela SaphirKeramik 4LCC-bi. The brand is synonymous with superb craftsmanship, advanced technology, and subtle appeal. At that time, the unit made brassware. Mit Best-Preis-Garantie und Käuferschutz.

Išskirtinis revoliucinės „ LAUFEN “ medžiagos „SaphirKeramik“ dizaino potencialas atsiskleidžia vonios kolekcijoje „ Val “, kurią šveicarų vonios specialistui sukūrė įžymus dizaineris Konstantin Grcic iš Miuncheno. Paprastos architektūriškos linijos, itin siauros briaunos ir tikslios paviršių struktūros kuria šių kolekcijos praustuvų visuotinį unikalumą. Tray Val , SaphirKeramik Round: Length: 3mm Width: 3mm Height: mm Art.

Rectangular: Length: 3mm Width: 2mm Height: mm Art. LAUFEN , thereby completing the bathroom collection VAL. Clear geometric lines, extremely narrow edges and finely textured surfaces united in harmony, open up a unique category of bathroom culture. Crafted from the finest MDF and clad in PVC waterproof foil, the Base unit will remain in perfect condition, even when wet. Se Håndvasken og find et stort udbud fra Håndvaske på BilligVVS.

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