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The green sewer drain pipe is used for the final underground run from a house to the municipal sewer or septic tank. It is PVC, but a lighter weight than white Schedule DWV (Drain-Waste-Vent) pipe. The pipe is intended for gravity-feed waste drain systems and not designed to be. PVC pipe, otherwise called polyvinyl chloride pipe, has a number of uses.
It is used in homes for water pipes, sewer system pipes and even furniture. Regardless of the use, there are times when colored PVC pipe is preferred. There are a few color options for PVC pipe available on the market.
As PVC is a low carbon plastic, PVC pipes require less energy and fewer resources to manufacture. Due to their low weight, less energy is used when transported. PVC pipes last long with a minimum of maintenance and they are easily recyclable. Many new PVC pipes contain recyclates.
For instance three-layer pipes where the core layer is made of recycled PVC. Moreover, the ultra-smooth surface of. Many piping materials, like copper and inferior plastics, allow trace amounts of chemicals to leach from the pipe walls and into the water it carries. Bostik PVC Pipe Cement Type P (Pressure) Green is a high bond PVC pipe cement specifically formulated for joining unplasticised PVC ( PVC -U) pipes and fittings in high pressure piping systems.